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Available April 15

An Unsettling Place to Settle:
                              A Novel of Small Town Corruption

By James J. Brodell

A new house in a new town is the legacy for wounded veteran Tim Fitzgerald. But as he becomes more deeply involved with his new community, he is shocked by the depths of corruption and criminality. The Chamber of Commerce said Wellborough, Colorado, had it all. He doubted they really meant murder, drug and human trafficking, systemic political corruption and fraud.

Read a sample and purchase the book HERE!

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   A Riddle from the Depths:
             Who Were These Mysterious People?

By James J. Brodell

Sarah Goodnight, 27 and an ancient language expert, is underemployed and longs for a professorship and regular paycheck. She translates ancient Sumerian and Akkadian tablets long-distance for the British Museum from her Chicago home. In a rare outing a handsome man surprises her saying he has a box of ancient clay chunks. Can she find fame and love wrestling with the unknown language and danger?

Read a sample and purchase the book HERE!

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  Six Short Heresies . . . Just for You

Life is full of untested assumptions: Prostitution exploits women, bloody religious ceremonies are of the past, Santa is jolly, there is one God, suburban life requires a great lawn. The six stories here, some drawn from life and some tongue-in-cheek, suggest otherwise. Humans justify their existence in many ways in many cultures. The concepts of god and sin are not universal. In the modern world human sacrifice mostly has become a symbolic sacrifice with wine substituting for blood. But not always. Most western religions are monotheistic, but the concept is a relatively new.

Read a sample and purchase the book HERE!

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The Dark Side of Pura Vida: Murder, Betrayal, Abduction and Revenge in the Vacation Paradise

Retired baseball player Jack Patterson becomes suspicious after his younger sister dies in a Pacific Ocean rip tide while on vacation in Costa Rica. Jack has to go there to find answers to troubling questions. But soon he is hijacked by a gang of self-described justice avengers led by a young and icy Costa Rican-American woman who carries twin pistols strapped to her chest and does not balk at using a car battery and cables to get the answers she needs. Jack soon helps uncover corruption and greed that runs counter to the country’s laid-back slogan of Pura Vida, the pure life.

Read a sample and purchase the book HERE!

Publish and Make Money: A Brief Guide to Profitability With Your New Magazine, Newsletter or Newspaper

By James J. Brodell & Sharon S. Brodell
My wife, Sharon, was under firm instructions to shoot me if I ever tried to start a newspaper again. Alas, her pistol misfired, so here we are approaching 17 years of running an English-language newspaper on foreign soil, surrounded by Runyonesque characters. We want to share what we have learned about publication startups and finances.

Read a sample and purchase the book HERE!
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16th anniversary edition

Costa Rica: Remarkable Tales from this Super Vacation Spot

A.M. Costa Rica, the Central American country’s English language newspaper, celebrates its 16th anniversary with a compilation of classic news reports geared to the needs of foreigners living here and those elsewhere with personal or business interests in this vacation paradise. Each seeks to tell something new or original about the vacation and retirement mecca. More

Read a sample and purchase the book HERE!

When Love Ignites: Five Stories of Beginnings

By James J. Brodell

Why love? In five different situations in as many stories love strikes, sometimes in an unusual way. What happens next remains uncertain, but the couples have a foundation for the future.

Read a sample and purchase the book HERE!


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Copyright 2021 by James J. Brodell